'' I have no children of my own but I have a family of hundreds of thousands and I have no regret."
Abebech Gobena Charity is a not-for-profit organization established by philanthropist Hon. Dr. Abebech Gobena in 1980 during severe drought in the country.
Currently, the organization is involved in a wide range of services: Institutional child care, Child- family Foster care, Supplementary feeding, Women empowerment through skill training and many other community based activities. Through these programs the organization has changed the lives of millions of people in the past 45 years. It is currently registered according to the new Ethiopian Civil Society Organization’s proclamation and has received a registration certificate with number 0181.
Registered in: Ethiopia (0181)
Help us make a difference ሕይወትን ተስፋን እንድንሰጥ ያስችሉን
We have teamed up with ten great causes and we would love your help in supporting them.
አበበች ጎበና ቻሪቲ Abebech Gobena Charity
Simply check out as normal and we will donate 1.0% of your order. Just select the cause you would like the donation to go to after completing your order. We will handle the rest!
በቀላሉ እንደተለመደው ግዥዎን ያጠናቁ፤፤ የትዕዛዝዎን ፩% እኛ እንለግሳለን።
ከእርስዎ የሚጠበቀው ትዕዛዙን ከጨረሱ በኋላ ልገሳው እንዲደረግለት የሚፈልጉትን የመረዳጃ ማህበር ይምረጡ ። ቀሪውን እኛ እንፈጽማለን።
Lipton Yellow Label Tea
Bag, 100 Count Box.
Bags 200g x100tb
Lipton Yellow Label Tea uses only the finest rich, flavorful blend of the finest assam tea leaves, these leaves are specially cut to expose more of the juices and then they are curled into tiny beads to seal in more of the flavor. New Lipton Yellow Label is the world's favorite cup of tea. Its full-bodied brew offers you the brightest cup of tea ever. Enjoy its new, rich taste. You will find that no other tea brings alive the good times quite like a cup of Lipton Yellow Label. Convenient tea bags for easy preparation, prepare with fresh boiling water/milk.